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DBY 307 1997 Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer B45F One of the first low floor buses introduced to Malta, unusual in having a manual gearbox.

(ID 730447)

DBY 307
1997 Dennis Dart SLF
Plaxton Pointer B45F

One of the first low floor buses introduced to Malta, unusual in having a manual gearbox.

Photographed 2nd May 2009 in Sliema, Malta.

DBY 307
1997 Dennis Dart SLF
Plaxton Pointer B45F

One of the first low floor buses introduced to Malta, unusual in having a manual gearbox.

Photographed 2nd May 2009 in Sliema, Malta.

Mark Dolan 29.03.2021, 112 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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